Our synthetic coolants are formulated to run virtually clear in machines, provide clean and easy chip flow with none to low mist levels. Using our proprietary ester technology, Stoughcool synthetics have the lubricity to handle tough applications without leaving a sticky or heavy residue. These high performance synthetics reject all tramp oil making it easy for skimmers to remove waste and provide excellent tool life and sump life. Most Stoughcool coolant end users who switch to our synthetics always conclude that they have drastically decreased their coolant usage after making the switch to a Stoughcool synthetic.


Synthetics Product List

  • Stoughcool E15
    General purpose clear synthetic cutting and grinding coolant recommended for ferrous materials.
  • Stoughcool E20
    A moderate-duty clear synthetic cutting and grinding coolant recommended for ferrous materials.
  • Stoughcool E25 CG
    A high performance synthetic water soluble clean and clear carbide grinding coolant.
  • Stoughcool E350
    Heavy-duty synthetic coolant recommended for ferrous materials.
  • Stoughcool E370
    An extreme heavy duty high lubricity synthetic with excellent corrosion protection recommended for ferrous metals.
  • Stoughcool E747
    Moderate-duty synthetic cutting and grinding fluid for non-ferrous metals.
  • Stoughcool E787
    Heavy-duty synthetic coolant recommended for both ferrous and non-ferrous materials. Excellent choice for Aerospace materials.